Jason Chi

chelsea-homepage-clone 12-3-2022

Picture of chelsea-homepage-clone


"Keep the blue flag flying high!". As a diehard Chelsea fans, it is impossible for me not to make something related to Chelsea when I first stepped into the world of web development.

The Insights from the chelsea clone

The origin of the project

I was a Chelsea Fans since I was 6. After learning some fundamentals on HTML, CSS, and jQuery(Yes, I learnt the basics of jQuery before learning vanilla JavaScript!), I decided to make a clone of the homepage of Chelsea.

Creating the project

I first created the page layout with HTML and CSS. Then I added different interactive elements with the help of jQuery, for example, a carousel library, and the different onClick events on the link.


I think the major challenge for me is to think about how to build a project from scratch when I was a complete beginner in this industry. Looking back now, it is a really raw project: not mobile responsive, not complicated enough, and so on. But I was really proud of myself. I could see how much I have improved through this year, and I would continue to dig deep and strive for success.

picture of the Chelsea clone